Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Health Update

to those who are wondering where i am right now, sorry cam, i had a spontaneous pneumothorax, which is doctor talk for my lung collapsed for no reason and left me collapsed in a parking garage.  im currently in the hospital with a tube soved between my ribs draining the air from my chest cavity so my lung can reinflate.  ill be out for a few days to a week, and am updating this from my phone, thus no capital letters.


  1. Ouch! I hope you are feeling better soon, and I hope they can find out why the sudden problem.

  2. Collapsed lungs are no fun at all. Hope you have a full and speedy recovery.

  3. Oh my gosh!!! Well I'm glad they are putting you back together! See if you can get some bionic parts while you are there. ;) *HUGS*

  4. Good luck! I hope you get well soon, that sounds terrible! Hopefully this was just a weird, one time thing and not evidence of something reoccuring...
